
Want to Buy a Piano Online? Here is the Best Piano Store in Pasadena for You.

Psychologists claim that playing a musical instrument is beneficial for the human mind. It has stress-busting properties. Whenever we watch the old movies, we can spot a piano in the background. 

Buying a piano online:

Learning a musical instrument is the need of the hour nowadays. So, many people prefer to buy a musical instrument that they wish to learn. Since a keyboard is a vital instrument, it isn’t easy to buy one physically and carry it home all by yourself. So, many music lovers opt for buying a piano online where it is delivered to their doorsteps. If we look for the best piano store in Pasadena, Lee music store tops the charts. The customers need not look any further than this store.

Lee’s Music store delivers pianos from premium brands at the doorstep of the customer. Many pianos are available online here for sale. The customers are spoilt for choice there. They even receive professional guidance so that they may make the right choice. 

Price of pianos:

Lee’s music store is the best piano store in Pasadena. It sells pianos online at a very reasonable rate. 

This store gives individual attention to each customer and tries to cater to their needs. They have a breathtaking collection of pianos under $1000. There are no delivery charges if the pianos are delivered locally. Each of the pianos is provided with a bench. 


This music store in Pasadena sells used as well as first-hand pianos. Lee’s music store is a stockist of second hand Kawai and Yamaha pianos. The second-hand pianos are as good as the new ones.

Lee’s music store understands that some people may choose music as a passion. Others may choose it as a profession. So, this piano store in Pasadena has different pianos from which the customer may choose. It has many other musical instruments in its collection but is primarily known for selling pianos online.


Is Cello a Difficult Instrument to Play? Learn the Easiest Way of Playing from the Best Online Cello Lessons.

The 21st century is an era of tremendous work pressure. People tend to get depressed due to work pressure. Psychologists claim that music can help us get rid of depression and stress. Also, learning to play a musical instrument improves their cognitive health. However, people find it easier to go in for online music lessons. 

Whether cello is a delicate instrument to play:

Cello is an easy instrument to play. People who represent both the violin and the cello claim that cello is the easier of the two. 

Many people say it is easy to play cello after taking some online lessons. Let us find out some more comfortable ways of playing after receiving the best online cello lesson.

Most natural ways of playing cello:

Online cello lessons have their advantages. Someone who takes online cello lessons should follow some guidelines. They will make playing cello easy. Lee Music Store has qualified music trainers who teach people how to play cello for reasonable charges. 

Here are some of the easiest ways of playing the cello:

Tuning: It is essential to tune a cello. Cello is an instrument that is sensitive to any change. So, it is necessary to optimize the cello before each online cello lesson. Beginners must always check the device with the help of an electric tuner at the beginning of an experience. 

Applying the correct rosin:  The students should rosin their bows properly. If the student rosins, his bow, has a powerful effect on the sound. Otherwise, the student may associate the wrong pitch with some notes.

Select a proper model: The size of the cello should be proportionate to the player’s body. If the cello is bigger or smaller than the user’s body, playing it becomes painful.

Conclusion: The teachers from Lee music stores are aware it is time-consuming to play any musical instrument. So, they never scold the trainees for not producing accurate sounds immediately. However, the trainees should never be too harsh on themselves also for being slow learners. Online cello lessons provide a perfect platform for people to showcase their talents. 


5 Best Tips For Online Trumpet Lessons For Beginners: Points-to-remember.

Music plays a vital role in human life. Loud music is played at birthday parties and marriage ceremonies. On the contrary, soft, soulful music is a good stress-buster. So, music has a solution to offer for every mood. Nowadays, not only children but also adults are trying to learn how to play a musical instrument. However, adults do not have the liberty to attend regular classes. Their work schedule often clashes with their class timings. As a result, online music classes have gained popularity.   

Importance of learning how to play the trumpet: 

A trumpet is a portable musical instrument. So, the student may carry the trumpet around. Also, learning to play the trumpet caters to the emotional well-being of the learner. Also, it improves the cognitive health of the learner. People get a sense of satisfaction because they have learned something new.

Five tips for online trumpet lessons:

Psychiatrists claim that music is the food of the soul. So, online trumpet lessons are taking over physical classroom sessions. Lee Music store offers online trumpet lessons by qualified teachers. The classes are tailor-made to suit the requirements of the person who is learning. However, veteran musicians emphasize on following specific tips while taking online trumpet lessons. Let us find out about the tips:

  1. Maintaining the musical instrument: The musical instrument has to be cleaned at regular intervals. The learner and the teacher have to bring the trumpet in close contact with their mouths. So, it should not be shared with anybody else. After each online trumpet lesson is over, the instrument has to be wiped clean with a tissue. Music is an art. It is impossible to produce artwork using dirty devices.
  2. Preventing Distractions: It is easy to get distracted in a virtual classroom. So, both the trainers and the trainees need to ignore incoming calls from the office or WhatsApp messages during the online trumpet lessons. Facebook updates on how many experiences given should be updated for the end of the lesson. In this era of technology, distraction is a common hazard. 
    However, they need to be avoided at all costs during the online trumpet lessons. Such disturbances are more comfortable to avoid in a regular classroom. In a virtual classroom, there is nobody to insist that the mobiles be kept in separate lockers. Hence, distractions are more. It is preferable to conduct the lessons in a noise-free room. This way, the honking of horns or blaring of mikes will be shut out.
  3. Deciding the mode of payment: In an online trumpet lesson, cash can never be the chosen mode of payment. So, both the trainer and the trainee should decide on the way of payment. The trainers should find out the current prevailing rates from veterans. The trainer and trainee should then agree on the method of payment, e.g., via Google Pay or PhonePe.
  4. Organizing: Both the trainer and trainee need to get themselves organized during the online trumpet lessonsThey need to adhere to a fixed schedule. Being casual or late during the online lessons is equal to disrespecting the art. It is better to organize the program early in the morning or late at night when the atmosphere is peaceful.
  5. Tech-savvy: Both the trainer and the trainee should be tech-savvy. The online trumpet lessons are being virtually provided. So, both the trainee and the trainer need to adjust the settings of the app through which the experience is being given.

Conclusion: Music has therapeutic qualities. So, people should follow the tips mentioned above to take the online trumpet lessons seriously.  


The Cheapest Rental Pianos in Pasadena: The lowest of all places.

People are naturally drawn towards music. However, not everyone who loves music can afford to invest in a musical instrument. But here’s the good news! They may take one on rent. 

It is essential to find the cheapest rental pianos in Pasadena.  The pianos are difficult to maintain. Also, people who stay in upper stories face difficulty in getting it carried upstairs. The earlier houses had been spacious enough to house a piano. Now, space crunch is consuming the world. 

Also, people of the modern generation are not sure whether the next generation will utilize the piano. So, taking a piano on rent is better than investing in one. So, after the user stops using it (due to death or shifting base, it may be returned to its lawful owner). 

Piano rental places: 

Lee’s music store offers pianos on rent at a reasonable rate. It provides the cheapest rental pianos in Pasadena at a reasonable price. 

This store provides premium quality new and second-hand pianos for sale. 

Rental Amount:

Lee’s music store accepts a nominal sum as deposit and the rent of three months for renting a piano. Apart from that, if the customer lives in the ground floor of the apartment, which is close to the store. It basically charges $200 for a moving and tuning package, which is cheaper than the other rentas. If the person who is taking the piano lives more than ten miles away, extra charges will be applicable.

Brands offered for rent:

Although the Lee music store offers the cheapest rental pianos in Pasadena, it does not compromise with quality. It offers pianos from premium brands like Armstrong, Bel Monte, Artley, and Schmidt on rent. This store specializes in pianos from Kawai and Yamaha. They also get professional tuners so that their pianos don’t get damaged. 

Conclusion: A piano has its grandeur. Its presence seems to light up an entire room. So, it is imperative to own a piano in rent. Many of us should remember a scene from earlier movies where a character played the piano while singing. 


Top 5 Piano Tuners in Pasadena: The 5th one is the Best.

Music knows no barrier or religion or caste. So, those who are passionate about music often have a musical instrument at home. A piano adorns many old houses. Those who own a piano know that it needs to be tuned regularly. Tuning an acoustic piano means adjusting the tension of all strings. A keyboard has to be professionally tuned. There is no shortage of professional piano tuners in Pasadena. 

Why is it necessary to get the piano tuned?

A piano goes out of tune frequently. Many factors, like a change in the weather or humidity, may cause a keyboard to go out of tune—the soundboard swells and the string stretches, when the humidity level changes. The wooden parts of the comparatively new pianos extend, thus sharpening the pitch. If a piano is played too roughly, over some time, it goes out of tune. If the piano is tuned regularly, the tone of 440 A will be maintained. The keyboard is a stringed instrument. So, it needs regular tuning.

How do we know that a piano need to be tuned? 

A piano needs to be tuned when it produces a beating sound or a weird sound. The fluctuating sound makes it pretty clear that it needs to be optimized.

Top 5 Piano tuners in Pasadena:

Since the starting of the 1800s, turning the piano became a proper profession. So, let us find out the 5 best piano tuners in Pasadena. The names are mentioned below:

  1. Hollywood Piano
  2. Modern Music school
  3. German Piano city
  4. Social Piano Tuners
  5. Lee Music Store.
Which of them is the best?

Lee Music store is the best professional piano tuner in Pasadena. The store functions between 12:00 am and 5:00 pm between Monday and Saturdays. Professionals are available here for tuning pianos professionally. The store charges a nominal amount for tuning pianos.

Conclusion: Tuning a piano is a critical job. The slightest music may cause the musical instrument to malfunction. So, it is essential to get the job done by professional piano tuners in Pasadena.


There’s No Age Limit For Learning Music. Get the Best Online Piano Lessons For Adults

Psychologists insist that music has a positive impact on our minds. People of the 21st century have their reasons for causing stress. People often come across videos for reducing stress or inducing sleep on Youtube. In all such videos, we hear a piano playing gently in the background.

A piano in the corner of a living room is a common sight in old homes. Earlier, many children took piano lessons. Nowadays, music lovers are not sure from where they can buy a piano. Lee’s music store has a variety of keyboards available for sale at a reasonable price.

We need to learn how to play a musical instrument even after growing up. 

It makes us more self-disciplined. Many adults who were compelled to give up their music lessons in childhood may take it up. They may take it up after they grow up. Research shows that it is especially beneficial for adults to learn the piano.

Why Adults need Online Piano Lessons?

Now, let us find out why piano lessons help adults. These lessons help adults focus more on their work. Neuropsychologists say that piano lessons keep the brains of adults younger. Medical researches reveal that these lessons also increase our life expectancy. Our memory and motor skills get stimulated by these lessons.

However, adults rarely have time to attend classes at fixed hours. Many adults have the responsibility of their families. The higher your age is, the more committed you are to duties. 

What’s the solution?

Lee’s music store offers online piano lessons at flexible hours. Age is not a boundary for the students of music. All students get individual attention.

So, taking music lessons is also relevant in the 21st century. Lee’s music store offers qualified teachers to take piano lessons. All the music teachers are graduates in vocal or instrumental music. So, they have profound knowledge to impart.

Many big numbers say that music has no boundary, age, or religion. So knowledge of music keeps people’s mental health. Also, music can become a hobby. 


Make your child learn a new skill: Get him registered for Online Violin Lessons.

When we discuss music, we may quote a line from “Twelfth Night”, stating “If music be the food of love, play on.”  Rarely do we come across a person who doesn’t appreciate music.  Infants fall asleep to the tune of lullabies.  Psychologists often glorify the stress-busting impact of music. Listening to soft, soothing music at the end of the day makes us feel better.

Why are violin lessons important?

Child psychologists also claim that children should be admitted to music classes. Stringed musical instruments are especially helpful. Research shows that violin lessons boost self-respect.  These lessons also help the children adjust to their social life and be disciplined. 

In the 21st century, students are occupied with studies and co-curricular activities. Such activities may leave them with little time to spare for music classes. However, distance is not a barrier in this era of technology. Online violin classes are in demand. So, it is better to admit children to online violin classes. 

Lee’ s music store ensures musical instruments of a superior quality. Qualified violin teachers are also available here. All the music teachers hold a bachelor’s degree in vocal or instrumental music.  This store is the base of the Microcosmos school of music. The lessons are specially designed to suit the needs of the student.  All the children have their own needs. So, this store caters individually caters to their needs.

Now you can also rent a violin:

Many parents are reluctant to buy a violin for their children. They fear the child may not develop an aptitude for violins after growing up. Also, the pressure of studies may hamper their violin classes. So, there is good news for parents who prefer not to invest a hefty sum on their child’s musical instrument. Lee’s Music store premium quality offers violins on rent. Initially, the customer needs to pay the rent of three months and a deposit. The rental charge of the violin is as low as $15 per month. 

Veteran musicians agree that learning how to play a stringed musical instrument is difficult. Any stringed instrument, especially violins are sensitive instruments. However, students may discipline themselves by playing the violin via Online Violin Lessons, with the help of skilled, patient teachers. 


Tips For Adults To Learn Playing Piano

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be intimidating. Many people limit themselves because they think they are too old or too late to start something new. The good news is, it’s never too late to start. If you have a desire to learn to play the piano, here are some tips to help you on your way. 

1. Find a teacher

There are plenty of online tutorials to help you teach yourself, but it is always good to have a teacher. Meeting regularly with a teacher can help you reach your goals and be accountable. It’s a good idea to have a support system of people encouraging you to learn a new skill. You can easily reach us by using the keywords piano lessons near me for adults.

2. Set goals

Know what you want to accomplish as a piano player. Have a clear goal in mind of why you want to learn to play the piano. It will help keep you focused and motivated, as well as give you something to work on.

3. Learn the basics

It’s essential to start with the basics. If you don’t already know how to read music or the fundamentals of playing the piano, take time to learn notes, rhythm, scales, proper posture, and other necessary skills. Failing to learn correct habits and good piano-playing practices now will hold you back later on.

4. Make practicing a priority

If you don’t schedule a specific time to practice each day, you may find that you don’t have time to practice at the end of the day. If you want to learn to play the piano, commit yourself to apply what you learn and practicing regularly. If you can, try to stick to a routine, so practicing becomes a habit. As you practice, vary your techniques and the songs you play. This will keep you from getting bored and make practicing enjoyable.

5. Find music you enjoy playing

Many people think that they must start by playing classical music. That is not always the case. If you want to play for fun and enjoyment, start with songs that you like. Pop songs are great to begin with because they often have simple melodies and tunes that are easy to pick up. The key to enjoying playing the piano is to find the music you enjoy learning to play. It will motivate you to keep learning, and it will be rewarding to successfully perform a familiar tune.

6. Take it one step at a time

It takes time to get used to playing a new instrument. Have patience with yourself if you can’t master a song as fast as you would like to. Keep trying and don’t give up. Start with songs at your current level and gradually challenge yourself to play harder songs as you progress. Know your limits, and pick songs that are at your level or slightly above your level. Don’t try to play a song that is too advanced. Don’t rush yourself—set a pace that you can maintain and that fits with your goals.

7. Be willing to make mistakes

Mistakes are a part of learning. Don’t feel embarrassed if you make mistakes or if a song or skill is difficult for you to learn. Most piano teachers don’t mind if you make mistakes because it shows you are trying. They want to help you improve. When you make mistakes, it helps them understand what you are struggling with and how they can help you.

8. Celebrate improvements

Remember where you started and celebrate your improvements, no matter how small. When you see the progress you’ve made, you will be more inclined to continue. When you’ve mastered a song or skill that was difficult, celebrate that accomplishment. Even if you aren’t a perfect pianist after taking lessons, you will be better and more knowledgeable than you were before you started.

9. Have fun

Enjoy learning and doing something new. Having enthusiasm for learning is more important than having talent. You may not be a concert pianist or go on to perform in Carnegie Hall, but if you have fun playing and enjoy learning new songs, that will make your effort worth it.

10. Start now

Don’t procrastinate learning to play the piano for another day. If you wait for the ideal time to start, it will never come. You are never too old to learn to play the piano, but you’ll never learn unless you decide to start.

Are you interested in learning to play the piano and searching for piano teachers near you? Don’t go anywhere just search “piano lessons near me for adults” you will surely find us to help you out?


Why Is Renting An Instrument Better Than Buying It?

If you are enrolling in a school band or orchestra, you will need a musical instrument to practice correctly. So when you want to get a musical instrument, you have two options, i.e., either purchase the instrument or rent it. Both options have their advantages. This article focuses on the benefits and reasons to rent a musical instrument instead of buying it.

Renting a musical instrument can seem like an obvious choice because there are many valid reasons. Some of the primary reasons include:

1. Renting is More Economical

As compared to purchasing, renting a musical instrument is an economical choice. Especially if you are renting it for your child because specific musical instruments need to be “sized-up” within a few months. That’s why buying it doesn’t make a good economic sense because you will have to invest more money with each size change. Alternatively, there are cheap instruments available on the internet that you may want to buy. Still, such instruments usually require considerable additional investment if you’re going to set up correctly, and again, the sizing problem will always be there. Like renting, other factors are the most economical way to have a successful and productive musical experience.

2. Convenience

No doubt, renting a musical instrument is quick and straightforward. In most cases, you only have to get a recommendation from your music teacher or local shop and fill out a form.

3. Flexibility to Replace

Renting an orchestra instrument or band instrument offers more flexibility, particularly if a potential musician should change their mind regarding their choice of instrument.

4. Easy Maintenance and Repair

Renting a musical instrument also eases maintenance and repair concerns. Orchestra and band instruments require occasional maintenance and repair, therefore having a rental plan that includes support and an educated staff available to fix issues and answer questions is a bonus. With renting, there are maintenance and repair options that most vendors provide that include keeping the instrument in readiness and full play condition for students.

5. Equity to Purchase

This option allows you to own an instrument if you wish eventually.

6. Special Discounts

Some vendors offer unique purchase options and discounts that are exclusive to rental customers.

7. Easy Exit Strategy

One of the greatest fears of most parents is that their child will give up on a musical instrument after a while. An essential benefit of renting is its inherent flexibility, which allows you to return it if your child should ever decide to follow another passion. Closing the rental contract is the most straightforward exit strategy.

Although online vendors offer a more substantial inventory and greater convenience, let your child see and test out a musical instrument at a local store. You might even get an affordable deal by renting instrument from a local store.


Top 10 Clarinet Players Of All Time

The clarinet is a member of the woodwind family and is extremely popular in symphonic movements, jazz, and swing. It has only increased in popularity and is a standard instrument to find in any orchestra. This instrument produces a clear, smooth sound with rich bass and perfectly paired with just about any instrument, from piano and guitar to brass and percussion.

The list below has the names of the top 10 clarinet players of all time.

Julian Bliss

Julian Bliss started playing the clarinet at age four using a Lyons C Clarinet. He earned his postgraduate Artist’s Diploma from Indiana University (USA) at age 12 in 2001. However, he had to wait until he graduated from high school before he received his diploma. 

Martin Fröst

The Swedish clarinetist Martin Fröst is the most unconventional international wind players. He is a gifted solo clarinet player, who frequently tours with excellent orchestras like the German Chamber Philharmony Bremen, the Austrian Camerata Salzburg or the Hamburg Symphonics.

Sharon Kam

Sharon Kam was born in Israel and won a stipendiate of the Jewish-American Cultural Society at the age of 12. Living in Germany today, she is an excellent example for the modern, flexible clarinet player who can adapt to the style required rather than playing all types of music in the same manner.

Sabine Meyer

Sabine Meyer is a famous German solo clarinet player and frequently tours with excellent ensembles. She has recorded a large number of CDs. Today she probably is Germany’s most popular clarinet player.

Charles Neidich

Charles Neidich is a famous classical clarinet player in the United States of America playing with renowned orchestras and recording CDs.

Harold Wright

Harold Wright (1926 – 1993) was probably the best classical clarinet player in the United States of America ever. He was playing for BSO Seiji Ozawa. Former director of the BSO said in the Boston Globe that not only was he the best player in the BSO, but he was also one of the top handful of most significant musicians of the 20th century, alongside Heifitz, Horowitz, Casals, and so on.

Richard Stoltzman

Richard Stoltzman is the most famous classical clarinet player in the United States of America today. He is playing with renowned orchestras and recording CDs. 

Jost Michaels

Jost Michaels was an excellent player but was even better known as Professor in Detmold, Germany, where he focussed on playing technique.

Dieter Klöcker

Dieter Klöcker is a German clarinet player with a lot of recordings. Especially if you are looking for pieces that are not top sellers, you may find records with him. Besides his playing career, he is a Professor in Freiburg with a focus on Jewish music.

Karl Leister

Karl Leister was the German player that you will find the most German recordings of. He played with Karajan for more than thirty years. His records are always perfect and adapted to the musical style required.

Jack Brymer

Jack Brymer was an English clarinet player, who has recorded a lot of essential pieces together with great orchestras. He has intensively thought about many aspects of the instrument, the sound of the clarinet, and different ideas about it in the world, and he is a well-known clarinet teacher.